Collaborative making events.

Create a Book Together - collaborate with our next book
The Light Library Kids Workshop for Seeking Will & Te Uru Gallery
Saturday 14th Sept 2024 1000-1130
Seek the words and paint the pages that will form the book 'Seeking Will', the sequel to 'Finding Grace | Kimihia a Grace’, a bilingual picture book by local author Emma Hinton and Illustrator Nicky Hartley.
Join us in curating the words of a story about a boy and his dog when a storm comes. Help create the abstract backgrounds for drawing the illustrations and get your name printed in the published book. Paint a page with natural pigments and transform it into your own book to keep.
Ages 2-8. Caregiver supervision is required and we encourage participation.
Maximum 15 children (with caregivers)
Cost: $30 per child, including a copy of the book once published.

“I have a story to tell” - Make your own book.
Bookbinding Workshop
Turn a poem into a prompt journal to write and/or draw your own story. Bind the preprinted “I have a story to tell” and learn the Japanese binding method to make your own books.
Email to bind a gathering together.

Reading at Eco Fest Vintage Kids Family Day
Saturday 13th April 10:30am to 4:30pm
1 Olympic Place
New Lynn, Auckland 0600 New Zealand
Come and join us on the first day of the school holidays for some family fun!
Entry for this all day event is by donation and all online registrations go in the draw to win a kids bike from the EcoMatters Bike Hub!
All day giant wooden games with the Wood Botherer
Q&A with maker Phil on hand from 10.30am
Kowhai and the Giants & Finding Grace Kimihia a Grace - book reading – 11:30am-12pm
Spot prizes for vintage costumes
Kids are encouraged to bring something to show on the ‘made it / grew it myself’ table
Check out our second hand kids’ bikes, and more!

Create a Book Together - collaborate with our next book
The Light Library Kids Workshop for Seeking Will & Te Uru Gallery
Saturday 2nd March 2024 1000-1200
Seek the words and paint the pages that will form the book 'Seeking Will', the sequel to 'Finding Grace | Kimihia a Grace’, a bilingual picture book by local author Emma Hinton and Illustrator Nicky Hartley.
Join us in curating the words of a story about a boy and his dog when a storm comes. Help create the abstract backgrounds for drawing the illustrations and get your name printed in the published book. Paint a page with natural pigments and transform it into your own book to keep.
Ages 2-8. Caregiver supervision is required and we encourage participation.
Maximum 15 children (with caregivers)
Cost: $30 per child, including a copy of the book once published.
BOOKINGS email - info@teuru.org.nz
1. Over the counter at Te Uru at least one week prior to class.
2. Over the phone where we take card details (card number, expiry date and security code) and run them through our Eftpos system
3. Direct bank deposit to ASB New Lynn 12-3100-0140450-00
Particulars: programme name, max 12 characters
Code: Your child’s first name
Reference: Your surname. Initial
Please ensure you enter these details accurately to what we have specified. This will help identify your payment in our account.
If you are paying via internet banking, respond to this email with the above details and the transaction’s receipt.
Please note, the booking will only be confirmed once we receive payment. We strongly recommend paying at the time you make your booking. You may receive additional reminder emails within this time if the programme books up. Payment on the day is not acceptable as your child’s name will not be on the role and spaces may have been filled.

Workshop: Leave art and words.
Join us for a creative and fun-filled day at the Auckland Botanic Gardens!
Collaborate in creating a poem and artwork using pens with leaves collected on a journey around the gardens. Listen to the stories of place and the beings of the gardens. Together with Emma Hinton from The Light Library, leave behind art and words to be shared in the gardens.

Workshop: Finding, Making and Returning Treasure
Finding treasures in nature, and place and co-creating with them. Find nature’s treasure on our walk through the bush/ngahere, gather to share and make new treasure together, to care for and then return back to nature. The workshop includes an Author reading of the bilingual picture book, Finding Grace | Kimihia a Grace.

Workshop: Finding, Making and Returning Treasure
Finding treasures in nature, and place and co-creating with them. Find nature’s treasure as we walk through the bush/ngahere, gather to share and make new treasure together, to care for and then return back to nature. The workshop includes an Author reading of the bilingual picture book, Finding Grace | Kimihia a Grace.

Workshop: Finding, Making and Returning Treasure
Finding treasures in nature, and place and co-creating with them. Find nature’s treasure hidden with the library treasures, gather to share and make new treasure together, to care for and then return back to nature. The workshop includes an Author reading of the bilingual picture book, Finding Grace | Kimihia a Grace. At Glen Eden Library, 2nd October 2023

Living Lightly Waitākere - Titirangi Library
We are stoked to be part of the Living Lightly Waitākere event - sharing our book and treasures with kids and whānau. Great free event with heaps of interesting people and things to do and see.
Finding and Making
After the publication of Finding Grace, the Light Library are running “Finding and Making” workshops for kids around movement, connecting with nature and making art.
Contact to create a gathering together - Email.

Book Launch
Finding Grace | Kimihia a Grace
Picture Book Launch
You are invited to our Auckland launch. Please RSVP to our gathering on Sunday 11th of June, 11 am-1230pm. Feel free to bring friends and family who would be interested, by forwarding them the invitation or including them as guest numbers in your RSVP.
Sunday 11th June- 11 am-1230 pm
Location: Titirangi Beach Hall, Auckland
11 am Gather & Find
11.30 Ceremony & Reading
12.00 Korero & Kai

Light Library bookbinding event at Booktown Festival
Bookbinding Workshop - Finding and Making
Sunday 14 May 2023, 11:00 AM – MIDDAY, St. Teresa’s School. $10
Turn a poem into a prompt journal to write and/or draw your own story. Bind the preprinted “I have a story to tell” and learn the Japanese binding method to make your own books.

Preschoolers event at Booktown Festival
Young Readers Programme - Finding and Making
Friday 12 May 2023, 9:45 – 10:45 AM & 12:30 – 1:30 PM, Featherston Preschools
Finding, Making and Returning
Creative Workshop for kids and parents - 1 hour.

Open Studios Waitakere
Annual weekend celebrating local artists in the Waitakere Ranges Local Board areaFlowlines Studio
We are so excited to announce that Flowlines Studio will be part of @openstudioswaitakere 2022!
'' Flowlines Art Studio‘’offers creative and therapeutic workshops held by artists working in various mediums for all ages and abilities.